

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营独资企业
  • 公司地址: 福建省 厦门 海沧区 海沧街道 厦门市湖里区金钟路11号1301室之二
  • 姓名: 钟工
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 自动化成套控制系统
  • 发布日期:2020-12-17
  • 阅读量:242
  • 价格:890.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:9.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:福建厦门海沧区海沧街道  
  • 关键词:5087-7137


    提供范围广泛的通信和 I/O 选项
    提供针对在 SIL 2 SIL 3 应用项目中应用而进行 TÜV 认证的特定产品

    1756 ControlLogix® 标准控制器
    1756 ControlLogix-XT™ 较端环境控制器
    1756 GuardLogix® 安全控制器
    1756 ControlLogix I/O 模块
    1756 框架
    1756 冗余模块
    1756 运动控制模块
    1756 通信模块
    1756 电源







    Agilent Technologies 5087A P/N5087-7303 Lo Splitter Amplifier Keysight HP

    Agilent N4697F Flexible Cable set for E8361A, E8361C, N5230C, N5245A, N5247A

    HP/Aglient 5087-7299 Module

    HP/Agilent 5086-7539 TBR SWITCH SOL STATE
    From Hong Kong

    Agilent HP 5086-7982 Low Band Microwave Mixer Assembly Microcircuit
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    Agilent HP 5086-7461 Pulse Filter Microcircuit
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    Agilent HP 5086-7806 Sampler Assembly Microcircuit

    Free Repair Evaluation of Agilent N5230C Network Analyzer

    Newly ListedAgilent N5230A-025

    Agilent HP 5087-7007 Coupler Assembly

    HP/Agilent 5087-7272 UTG Enhanced Tsunami Switch 5087-7272 Solid State Switch wo

    Newly ListedHP/Agilent 5087A

    Newly ListedAgilent 5087-7067

    Newly ListedHP/Agilent 5087A-H73

    Agilent HP 5087-7067 Solid State Switch Assembly

    Newly ListedHP Agilent 5086-7461 Pulse Filter Microcircuit for 54121A Test Set Industrial

    HP Agilent E8251-60075 Analog Output TBR Plug-In Board Assembly


    HP Agilent 5087-7004 50877004 RF out Sampler U
    From Philippines

    Agilent 5087-7724 50GHz Coupler Assembly

    5086-7465 Agilent/HP Microcircuit-Amplifier Switch Bias Board Assembly for 86222

    HP/Agilent 5060-0049 Extender Board for 5087A 15 pos'n

    Agilent 5087-6183 Routing Yig Tuned Harmonic Mixer

    Agilent N5230C PNA-L Network Analyzer, 10MHz-~20GHz

    Free Repair Evaluation of Agilent N5230A Network Analyzer

    Agilent HP 5086-7583 Low Band Microcircuit Assembly
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    Agilent HP N5230A PNA-L Network Analyzer

    From India

    Agilent PRG-5087-7067 - RF Path Switch

    Agilent HP 5087- 7137 STATIC SENSITIVE

    Agilent HP 5087-7027 electronic switch and Agilent 33321 60044

    Agilent 5087-7098 Low Distortion Amplifiers

    HP - Agilent 5087A Service - operating Manual
    From Greece

    HP/Agilent 5087-6299 Mixer Brick

    Agilent PRG-5087-7703- RF Path Switch

    HP/Agilent 5086-7490 Doubler Microcircuit for 85047A

    5086-7465 TBR Microcircuit - Amplifier Switch Assembly

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used in 8753ES

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used

    HP/Agilent 5087-7007 Test Port Coupler

    Agilent 5087-7032 Low Band Microwave Mixer Assembly
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    HP/Agilent 5087-7714 Quattro Solid State Switch for N5230A N5230C

    HP Agilent 5087A/034 Distribution Amplifier - 4 x single 5-MHz input
    Fresh NIST Calibration, 30-day warranty

    Agilent 5086-7885 TBR Switch Local Oscillator Distribution Amplifier
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    Agilent 5087-7032 Low Band Microwave Mixer Assembly
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    HP Agilent 5088-7049 Limiter 26.5Ghz Microcircuit

    Agilent HP 5086-7855 TBR Switch Local Oscillator Distribution Amplifier
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    HP/Agilent 5086-7583 Low Band Microcircuit Assembly

    HP Agilent 5087A/034 Distribution Amplifier - 4 x single 5-MHz input
    Fresh NIST Calibration, 30-day warranty

    HP Agilent 1818-2094 Memory Microcircuit NOS

    HP Agilent 5087-7073 UTG YIG Oscillator 2.9-7.1GHz Replaced 5087-7790 for 4395A

    Agilent 5087-7747 IMIX

    HP/Agilent 5086-7461 Pulse Filter Microcircuit

    HP/Agilent 5060-0049 Extender Board for 5087A
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Soild State RF Switch

    HP / Agilent 5086-7299 1.5 GHz, LP Filter, SMA (F)

    HP/Agilent 5088-7049 Microcircuit 26.5 GHz

    Agilent 5086-6471 TBR Step Generator

    Agilent 5087-7098 Low Distortion Amplifiers

    AGILENT E8361-20061 E8361-63061 ENCODER BOARD FOR N5230A PNA-L

    Agilent HP 08360-60222 ALC TBR Board assembly

    Agilent 5086-7650 TBR Input - Amplifier
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used

    Agilent 5087-7073 Yig Oscillator

    Agilent 5087A Distribution Amplifier 30 Day Warranty
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    Agilent 5087-7700 Distribution Amplifier

    HP Agilent 05087-60002 1MHz Output Amplifier for 5087A

    Agilent/Keysight N4694A/Opt-M0F 10 MHz to 67 GHz, Ecal Module

    HP/Agilent 5087-7061 Mod Filter

    HP Agilent 05087-60003 100kHz Output Amplifier for 5087A

    HP Distribution Amplifier 5087A Amp Agilent 5MHz
    Customs services and international tracking provided

    HP Agilent 5087-7082 YIG Tuned Oscillator 3.0-5.7 Ghz

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used in 8753ES
    From Hong Kong

    Agilent 5087-7084 YIG TUNED OSCILATOR

    HP/Agilent 5086-7539 TBR SWITCH SOL STATE
    From Hong Kong

    Agilent 08360-60012 NFTS TBR BOARD assembly- SYTM DRIVER

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used in 8753ES

    Agilent 5087-7139 Microwave Tsunami Splitter

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 / 5087-6067 Solid State Switch

    HP Agilent 5087-7098 Low Distortion Amplifier

    Agilent 5087-7703 SOLID STATE SWITCH NEW

    Agilent 5087-7098 SW LO Dist Amplifier

    HP AGILENT 5087-7075 2.7-26.5GHz spectrum analyzer YIG filter

    HP/Agilent 5087-7133 DETECTOR

    HP/Agilent E7495 - 60065 TBR Assembly

    HP/Agilent E7495 - 60069 TBR Assembly

    HP Agilent 5087-7701 PSA 6 Sloda Switch Local Oscillator Distribution Amplifier

    HP/Agilent 5087-7001 A / B Sampler Assembly

    Agilent 5087-7137 SOLID STATE SWITCH 9 GHz

    HP/Agilent 70820-60080 TBR Board Assembly - Converter A

    HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used

    HP/Agilent 5087-7084 YIG TUNED OSCILATOR

    HP / Agilent 4156B 04156-66503 TBR HRSMU EXCH BOARD

    HP/Agilent 5087-7122 Microwave Tsunami Mixer 50GHz

    HP/Agilent 08665-61140 TBR Module Reference

    Newly ListedAutoMeter 7299 C2 5" Shift-Lite Tachometer

    Agilent / HP 5086-7539 TBR Solid State Switch

    Agilent 5087-7710 Microcircuit Hana coupler 26.5GHz hp 5087-7710

    HP / Agilent 08360-60214 TBR Sampler board for standard units

    HP Agilent 5086-7238 DC Return Microcircuit SMA Working

    HP/Agilent 5087-7031 Yig Tuned Harmonic Mixer

    HP/Agilent 5087-7137 SOLID STATE SWICH 9 GHz

    欢迎来到大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司网站, 具体地址是福建省厦门海沧区厦门市湖里区金钟路11号1301室之二,老板是易蓓蓓。 主要经营大德汇成公司多年来以销售SIEMENS、ABB在可编程控制器、PLC复杂控制系统、交直流传动装置方面的业务逐年成倍增长,为广大用户提供了SIEMENS、ABB品质与成本的保证,尤其以 PLC复杂控制系统、传动技术应用、伺服控制系统、数控备品备件、人机界面及网络/软件、工业机器人备件为公司的销售特长。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!